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  1. I was the first person to move in the building when it was built 17 years ago they have never replaced the carpet or tile an it needs to be replaced. They have been telling me for 8 years they was going to do it. An still haven’t

    1. The rules regarding carpet replacement are vague at best. The only time a landlord would have to replace a carpet is if it is creating a health hazard such a large hole someone could trip on, mold, other unsanitary issues. If that is the problem then if the landlord refuses to act then you can call the City of Chicago’s 311 line and request an inspection. A letter to the landlord with pictures of the carpet may help. Can you request a meeting with the landlord to go over a timeline for carpet replacement.

    1. First landlords are not required to provide a refrigerator. If they do provide a refrigerator then it must be in working order and they are required to maintain it. In regards to torn gasget and mold, there are several questions. Does the mold and cracked casket prevent the refrigerator from working properly? If so then the landlord must repair it. Secondly does the mold and other problems present an immediate health problem. For instance if you or someone in your family suffered from asthma and the mold was a trigger then you could demand the refrigerator be repairs. It would be best to have a doctors note of some time detailing the problem. If the refrigerator is a hiding place for the roaches. The landlord must deal with the roach problem. The landlord gets to decide how to deal with the problems as long as it is safe.

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