All 3 Comments

  1. I found out a roommate had covid-19 two months after moving in. The tenant does not follow any social distancing in the household and has an essential job. God knows what he brings back to household. Landlord says he cant do anything. Threat to me, and possibly the community.

    1. This sounds like a tense and bad situation. Does the roommate have a lease with you or a lease with the landlord. If the lease is with the landlord it is more problematic as the tenant needs to be violating the lease agreement ( not following rules or paying the rent etc.) If the lease is with you then you can ask the tenant to leave state that you are not compatible due his failure to follow social distancing recommendations and that you want him out. When is his lease up? Even though it is not fair you may want to consider moving. I would document the all the times that your roommate is not following social distancing protocols.

  2. This is the flyer going out to residents. We have had horrible issues with our management company. They have flat out lied to us including in emails I have. There are also photos of major safety issues with the elevator. I have had to call 911 for people trapped in the elevator. Many of us in the building including myself have a disability where the stairs are not an option. The City of Evanston is aware of the issue, I have requested multiple times they inspect with no action. I have heard they know but do nothing. We invite you to attend this meeting. Please reach out with any questions.

    1570 Oak Avenue Residents Rights Association

    Are you frustrated with an elevator that has not worked properly since December? Have you had other issues that have been ignored by Wesley Realty Group? Come to the first meeting of the Residents Rights Association of 1570 Oak Avenue.

    Our first meeting will be on Thursday June 20th at the Evanston Library in the Community Meeting Room from 7-8.

    You will have the ability to hear from other residents and speak about any issues you are having including the elevator. We will also have an informative session about your rights as a tenant in Evanston and Illinois.

    Local media, disability rights groups, The City of Evanston, and Wesley Realty Management have been invited to attend.

    Please contact Brad Gluszewski at 646-266-5104 or with any questions.

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