If you live in a multi-unit building with housing code violations affecting yourself and your neighbors, it may be time to form a Tenant Association. As a group, tenant associations are better able to organize and negotiate to get repairs, stop evictions, prevent condo conversions, keep major utilities on, and so on.
MTO sends Community Organizers to work onsite with tenants to learn their rights, organize into tenant associations, negotiate with the landlord, secure the support of city officials such as building inspectors or aldermen, and facilitate access to financial and legal resources. This is a pro bono service. Tenants learn important skills such as leading meetings, preparing press releases, negotiating with landlords and other officials, etc. Building to Building Organizing seeks to preserve quality market rate/affordable housing by educating, organizing and empowering tenants to have a voice in the decisions that affect the affordability and availability of safe, decent and accessible housing!
Call the Renter’s Rights Hotline at 773.292.4988 to speak with a counselor about your rights or to organize your building!